1. There are no adjustments to the robot, so if a faulty or worn part causes the robot to malfunction, replace that part.
  2. If you are not skilled at soldering, you should send in your Control Box for service if soldering is indicated. Control Box parts are small and easily damaged. Improper soldering may void your warranty and service policy.
  3. If you open the Control Box, unscrew only the 4 corner screws. Do not remove the 4 screws in the middle.
  4. The following solutions will apply to all models of Newgy Robots, except if marked with the following
    footnotes: 1 Robo-Pong® 1000 only, 2 Robo-Pong® 2000 only, 9 Model 1929 only.
PROBLEM: Robot will not pick up balls.
  1. Pong-Master Scoreboard (an optional accessory) is controlling Ball Feed. Turn Scoreboard off.1,2
  2. Ball jam. See Owner's Manual.
  3. Ball Feed Motor is not running. See Owner's Manual.
  4. Ball Feed Motor runs backward. See Owner's Manual.
  5. Ball Feed transfer gears are assembled incorrectly. See Owner's Manual for correct assembly.
  6. Pickup fingers may be broken. See Owner's Manual.
PROBLEM: Ball speed seems to be slower than when new.
  1. See Owner's Manual.
  2. Hair or fibers are entwined around drive pin of Ball Speed Motor. Remove Ball Discharge Wheel and inspect at base of brass shaft. Clean, if necessary. See Figures Owner's Manual.
  3. The brass shaft on the Ball Speed Motor is loose. This brass shaft holds the Ball Discharge Wheel and is supposed to be permanently pressed onto the motor's drive pin. It cannot be reattached. Replace the motor. Test by holding the rubber wheel with a finger and then turning power on and adjusting Ball Speed to 10. If you hear the motor spinning while you are holding the wheel stationary, then the brass shaft is loose. If the motor does not spin, then shaft is securely fastened. See Figures Owner's Manual.
  4. Ball Discharge Wheel and/or Friction Block are worn. Replace both at the same time.See Owner's Manual.
  5. Ball Speed Motor needs lubricating. Spray inside of motor with an electrical contact cleaner/lubricant.
  6. Friction Block tabs are hanging up in their associated slots, preventing the Friction Block from operating correctly. Remove Friction Block and smooth the tabs. See Owner's Manual.
  7. Potentiometer1,2,9 Voltage Regulator1,2,9 and/or Bridge Rectifier1,2 inside the Control Box are bad. Replace. See Figure O.
  8. Balls are too small. Be sure you are using approved 1-Star, 2-Star, or 3-Star balls.
PROBLEM: Robot picks up balls, but balls just fall out of discharge opening instead of shooting out.
  1. Ball Speed Motor is not running. See Owner's Manual.
  2. Ball Discharge Wheel has come off. Reattach. See Owner's Manual.
  3. Ball Discharge Wheel is running backwards. See Owner's Manual.
  4. Friction Block is missing or improperly positioned. Be sure Friction Block tabs are in their proper slots. If Friction Block seems to be hanging up in its travel, smooth the Friction Block tabs by filing slightly to remove any rough surfaces. Also clean out the Friction Block tab slots. See Owner's Manual.
PROBLEM: Robot shoots erratically. Some balls delivered high, others low or off to the side.
  1. Friction Block is dirty, worn or defective. If dirty, clean; otherwise, replace.See Figure Owner's Manual.
  2. Ball Discharge Wheel is dirty, worn, out of round, cracked, or loose. If loose, tighten; if dirty, clean; otherwise, replace. See Owner's Manual.
  3. Ball Speed Motor mounting screws are loose. Tighten. See Owner's Manual.
  4. The brass shaft on the Ball Speed Motor has come loose. See Solution Owner's Manual.
  5. Slots in Robot Head Housings for Friction Block tabs are worn. Replace housings. See Owner's Manual.
PROBLEM: Robot shoots more than one ball at a time.
  1. Ball Discharge Spring has come off. Replace. See Owner's Manual.


1 Applies to Robo-Pong® 1000 robots only.
2 Applies to Robo-Pong® 2000 robots only.
9 Applies to Model 1929 robots only.